Tuesday, November 23, 2004

:: If You Don't Have Trust, What Have You Got? ::

Can you remember when you first stopped trusting someone you loved? Or perhaps stopped trusting an acquaintance? You weren't born mistrusting other people. You learned to hold back your complete trust the first time, or the second time, or the third time you got hurt for trusting someone who was less than honest with you.
As you grew up in years, you grew up in holding back trust. It became the sane thing to do. You learned that if you didn't blindly trust, you wouldn't be blindsided when a relationship failed. Holding back, saving yourself the pain, protecting yourself, became very important. You knew no one could ever hurt you, really, really, badly, as long as you didn't put your full trust in them. You felt secure and warm knowing no one could ever hurt you so badly again.

The reality is, without placing faith in someone, without trusting, even if it may cause you to ultimately get hurt, you'll never experience complete love. Love and trust are partners. They work well together. And no matter how many times you may be hurt by people who trample the trust you place in them, you owe it to yourself to bestow the ultimate trust on the next person you choose to love. Choose wisely and placing trust will not be so difficult to do.

When there is trust...

...you know he or she will be there for you no matter what happens.
...if you start to fall, they will catch you.
...if you are cold, they will warm you.
...if you need a hug, their arms will enfold you.
...if you need a soft word, theirs is the one you will hear.
...if you need a laugh, they have a joke.
...no matter what you need, you know they will be there, and they know the same about you.

But when the trust is gone...

....they may not be there to break your fall.
...they may be warming someone else when you need it most.
...their arms may already be wrapped around another lover.
...their words may be spoken softly to "him" or "her."
...they may be laughing together... perhaps at you.
...and no matter how much you need them, you'll never know if they'll be there for you... or if they'll ever be there again.
...there is no way to plan for the future.

Saturday, November 20, 2004


happy birthday hani!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

:: IM BACK! ::

setelah sekian lama menghilang kini aku kembali "beraksi" dlm ruang siber ni
sebab laptop aku dah "sihat" :D
taklah bosan sgt aku kat projek room ni

TAPI...hmm...nampaknye...semua member2 nga sibuk beraya ye
sunyi pulak rasenye bile online..
kat YM xde orang..
kat myspace pun xde....
kat chenel lagi sunyi..
sume balik kampung..
sibuk beraye..
cume aku je yg dah start skool

(ok ok..i better stop whining..LOL)

buat kengkawan yg dpt cuti seminggu tu..
enjoylah puas2 ye
next wk dah start balik keje/skolah

kepade sesape yg rase kesian kat aku ni
ajaklah aku raye kt tmpt korang..
nanti aku pontenglah..buat excuse..ckp nk balik kampung..urgent..

Friday, November 12, 2004


khas buat DIA

"....bintang di langit
kerlip engkau di sana
memberi cahayanya di setiap insan
malam yang dingin
ku harap engkau datang
memberi kerinduan di sela mimpi-mimpinya
melangkah sendiri
di tengah gelap malam
hanya untuk mencuri jatuh sinaran
tak terasa sang waktu
melewati hidupnya
tanda pagi menjelang mengganti malam
oh bintang tetaplah
pastikan cahayanya
sinari langkah ku setiap saat
bintang pun tersenyum
dengarkan pinta ku
berikan kecupan di sudut tidurnya..."

i miss you

hai~!! apelah nasib aku ni..
laptop rosak lagi!!
ish! geram tul!!
bukannye ape...baru je dapat duit hasil jualan kad raya tu..
baru planning nak beli baju baru
tapi nampaknye..hasrat aku terpakse ditangguh LAGI
sebab nak kene bayar duit repair laptop tu
this always happens eh!!
mcm tau je sen masok
tension tension!

so kepada kengkawan aku..
sorry lah kalo dah lame aku tak online ye..

anyways..sempena Syawal yg bakal tibe ni
aku nak memohon maaf kepada pembaca blog aku yg tak seberapa ni
kalau ade terkasar bahase harap dimaafkan

SLAMAT HARI RAYE!! Jgn lupe jemput aku dtg umah..ahackz!

p/s woit! sape ade recovery CD untuk laptop IBM?? aku nak!! urgent!! kalo tak..laptop aku tak leh gune lagi!!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

:: KAD RAYA ::

apakah sebenarnya erti kad raya pada diri kita?

pada aku kad raya itu merupakan satu tanda ingatan
bukan sahaja pengganti diri untuk yang jauh
juga untuk yg tinggal berdekatan
tak kira kengkawan mahupun sedara-mara sendiri

kengkadang kita terlalu sibuk dengan hal memasing
skolah,kerja dan sebagainya
sehingga kita lupa untuk bertanya khabar
apatah lagi meluangkan masa berjumpa mereka

di hari-hari perayaan beginilah
kesempatan diambil untuk mengeratkan lagi jalinan yg ada
untuk mengingatkan kita wujudnya mereka-mereka dlm hidup kita
dan kita seharusnya bersyukur dan menghargai mereka
dan juga untuk mengingatkan mereka
supaya mereka tahu
mereka tidak pernah pupus dalam ingatan kita

ahackz!..aku lum beli kad raya lagi ni
[Artist] Tipe-X
[Song] Karena Cemburu
[Album] Super Surprise

Mestinya kau tanyakan dulu
Semuanya padaku
Apa yang terjadi di malam itu
Jangan maunya cuma marah-marah melulu
Tanpa banyak kata kau maki aku

Bukankah sudah semua waktuku
Hanya untukmu
Jujur dan setia
Kuberikan padamu
Namun kau tak percaya
(Kau masih tak percaya
Kau tetap tak percaya)

Kutau itu semua hanya karena cemburu
Terlalu besar rasa cintamu
Namun coba buka sedikit hati 'tuk mengerti
Karna aku bukan miliknya lagi

Harusnya kau mengerti
Harusnya kau pahami
Jangan s'lalu terjadi
Hati penuh cemburu
Percayalah padaku
Tenangkanlah hatimu
Jika tiba waktunya
Kita pasti bersama
Akan selalu bersama

Ku ingin kau percaya....

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


jam menunjukkan sudah pukul 1:30 ptg
seperti biasa..
aku berada di makmal projek
segala tugasan projek untuk hari ini telah ku selesaikan sejak pukul 10 pagi tadi
tapi aku terpaksa tunggu sehingga jam 4:30 baru boleh pulang
aahh!! membosankan!
mmg tak berfaedah langsung !!
tiap2 hari begini!
masa 8 jam tu terbuang begitu saja!
dalam kebosanan aku tadi..
sempat aku mengubah layout blog aku ni
haha..at least ade jugak bende yang boleh aku buat
walaupun bukanlah seusatu yang berfedah kan?
bout the revamp..
nothing fancy...
just a plain simple new layout
skang ni blog aku ni takde lah menyeramkan sangat kan??
hmm...ape pendapat korang sume??

tick tock tick tock

Monday, November 01, 2004


jika berada dalam sesebuah perhubungan
tidak akan dapat lari daripada merasa cemburu
walaupun pasangan itu merupakan manusia paling understanding dlm dunia ni
dan seringkali ianya menjadi punca pergaduhan

mmg tidak dpt dinafikan bahawa
perasaan dan emosi wujud di dalam diri setiap insan
emosi ini datang dengan sendirinya
tanpa boleh dipaksa
tanpa boleh dibuat-buat
begitu juga perasaan cemburu
namun kita perlu pandai mengawal emosi sendiri
jangan sampai ia menguasai diri

AWASLAH! kawal perasaan cemburumu itu
jgn bertindak terlalu mengikut perasaan

"Relationships--of all kinds--are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open hand, the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on, the sand trickles through your fingers. You may hold onto some of it, but most will be spilled. A relationship is like that. Held loosely, with respect and freedom for the other person, it is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively, and the relationship slips away and is lost."
-Kaleel Jamison

gimme me my room
gimme my freedom
dont compare me with your ex-gf
i cant promise u we'll be forever
but i promise i'll give it my best
till it lasts...
:: RAIN ::

location : ngee ann poly, laser lab, project cubicle

its been raining for the past 1 hr or so..
and here i am just sitting by the window
enjoying the coolness of rain breeze
the tranquil sound of raindrops
oh goD! i just loved it when it rains..the heavier the better..
remebered the times i used to just walk in the rain
oblivious to my surrounding and stares i got from the ppl around me
the magical touch of the raindrops on my skin never fails to calm me down and make me feel better even at my most miserable and angry moments..
the wonders of god and His creations!


I'm singing in the rain...
Just singing in the rain...
What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again.
I'm laughing at clouds so dark up above.
The sun's in my heart and I'm ready for love.
Let the stormy clouds chase...
... everyone from the place.
Come on with the rain...
... I've a smile on my face.
I'll walk down the lane... to a happy refrain.
I'm singing... just singin' in the rain.