Thursday, December 30, 2004


NOW just read this i got it from swedish paper - THEY ALREADY KNEW IT, MET
AND DISCUSSED about the INCOMING TSUNAMI but they REFUSED to inform the

Why ? Tourist !

It's high time we must liberate ourselves from white slave tourist





read it.....


Swedish paper reports tsunami warning halted out of concern for tourist

Filed under: General - site admin @ 5:03 pm - Email This

Tsunami warning halted for tourist industry

This from the Swedish paper Expressen. Translation by RAW STORY excerpted

Just minutes after the earthquake in the Indian Ocean on Sunday morning,
Thailand's foremost meteorological experts were sitting together in a crisis
meeting. But they decided not to warn about the tsunami out of courtesy to
tourist industry, writes the Thailand daily newspaper The Nation.

The experts got the news around 8:00 am on Sunday morning local time. An
later, the first massive wave struck. But the experts started to discuss the
economic impacts when they discussed if a tsunami warning should be issued.

The primary argument against such a warning was that there had not been any
floods in 300 years. Also, the experts believed the Indonesian island
would be a cushion for the southern coast of Thailand. The experts also had
bad information; they thought the tremor was 8.1. A similar earthquake
in the same area in 2002 with no flooding at all.

One expert The Nation spoke with also noted that the department had only
earthquake experts among their 900-strong meteorological department.
A second told The Nation that a tsunamiwarning was discussed but that
of the risk, they opted not to issue a warning.

We finally decided not to do anything because the tourist season was in full
swing, the source said. The hotels were 100 percent booked. What if we
a warning, which would have led to an evacuation, and nothing had happened.
would be the outcome? The tourist industry would be immediately hurt. Our
department would not be able to endure a lawsuit.

This story was first noted and originally translated at Democratic

how can they risk the life of thousands???

Saturday, December 25, 2004


urgh!! tak habis2 menyusahkan orang!
kau tak balik aku yg kene bebel..
mama yg kene marah..
abah risau tunggu kau..
call pun tidak..
habis barang2 kat umah ni pecah
semua sebab kau tak bertanggung jawab..
sedarlah sikit..umur tu baru setahun jagung..
kau takkan boleh hidup sendiri tanpa mama ngan abah..

think before u act..jgn pentingkan diri sendiri

Monday, December 20, 2004


*my mum and me..raya 2004

Ketika berusia setahun, ibu suapkan makanan
mandikan kita., cara kita ucapkan terima kasih
kepadanya adalah dengan menangis
sepanjang malam.

Apabila berusia dua tahun, ibu mengajar kita
bermain., kita ucapkan terima kasih dengan lari
sambil ketawa terkekeh-kekeh apabila

Menjelang usia kita tiga tahun, ibu
makanan dengan penuh rasa kasih-sayang, kita
ucapkan terima kasih dengan menumpahkan
ke lantai.

Ketika berusia empat tahun, ibu membelikan
sekotak pensil warna, kita ucapkan terima kasih
dengan menconteng dinding.

Berusia lima tahun, ibu membelikan sepasang
pakaian baru, kita ucapkan terima kasih dengan
bergolek-golek dalam lopak kotor.

Setelah berusia enam tahun, ibu memimpin
kita ke sekolah, kita ucapkan terima kasih
dengan menjerit: Tak nak! Tak nak!

Apabila berusia tujuh tahun, ibu belikan sebiji
bola. Cara kita ucapkan terima kasih ialah kita
pecahkan cermin tingkap rumah jiran.

Menjelang usia lapan tahun, ibu belikan aiskrim,
kita ucapkan terima kasih dengan mengotorkan
pakaian ibu.

Ketika berusia sembilan tahun, ibu menghantar
sekolah, kita ucapkan terima kasih padanya
dengan ponteng kelas.

Berusia 10 tahun, ibu menghabiskan masa
suntuk menemankan kita ke mana saja, kita
ucapkan terima kasih dengan tidak bertegur

Setelah berusia 11 tahun, ibu membawa
wayang, kita ucapkan terima kasih kepadanya
dengan duduk di barisan berlainan bersama

Apabila berusia 12 tahun, ibu menyuruh
kerja sekolah, kita mengucapkan terima kasih
dengan menunggu ibu alpa untuk mudah
menonton TV.

Menjelang usia 13 tahun, ibu suruh pakai
yang menutup aurat, kita ucapkan terima kasih
padanya dengan memberitahu pakaian itu tidak
sesuai pada zaman sekarang.

Ketika berusia 14 tahun, ibu terpaksa mengikat
perut untuk membayar yuran persekolahan dan
asrama, kita ucapkan terima kasih padanya
tidak menulis sepucuk surat pun.

Berusia 15 tahun, ibu pulang dari kerja dan
rindukan pelukan & ciuman, kita ucapkan terima
kasih dengan mengunci pintu bilik.

Setelah berusia 16 tahun, ibu mengajar
kereta, kita ucapkan terima kasih padanya
melanggar tembok.

Apabila berusia 17 tahun, ketika ibu sedang
menunggu panggilan penting, kita bergayut di
telefon sepanjang malam.

Menjelang usia 18 tahun, ibu menangis
apabila mendapat tahu kita diterima masuk ke
IPT, kita ucapkan terima kasih padanya dengan
bersuka-ria bersama kawan-kawan.

Ketika berusia 19 tahun, ibu bersusah-payah
membayar yuran pengajian, menghantar ke
dan mengheret beg besar ke asrama, kita
ucapkan selamat jalan pada ibu di luar asrama
kerana malu dengan kawan-kawan.

Berusia 20 tahun, ibu bertanya sama ada kita
teman istimewa, kita kata, itu bukan urusan

Setelah berusia 21 tahun, ibu cuba
pandangan mengenai kerjaya, kita kata, Saya
mahu jadi seperti ibu.

Apabila berusia 22-23 tahun, ibu membelikan
perabot untuk rumah bujang kita. Di belakang
kita katakana pada kawan-kawanPerabot
ibu aku tak cantik, tak berkenan akuuu!

Menjelang usia 24 tahun, ibu bertemu dengan
bakal menantunya dan bertanyakan mengenai
rancangan masa depan, kita menjeling dan
merungut, Ibuuutoooolonglahhh..

Ketika berusia 25 tahun, ibu bersusah payah
menanggung perbelanjaan majlis perkahwinan
Ibu menangis dan memberitahu betapa dia
sayangkan kita, tapi kita ucapkan terima kasih
padanya dengan berpindah jauh.

Pada usia 30 tahun, ibu menelefon
nasihat dan petua penjagaan bayi, kita dengan
megah berkata, itu dulu, sekarang zaman

Ketika berusia 40 tahun, ibu menelefon
mengingatkan mengenai kenduri-kendara di
kampong, kita berkata, Kami sibuk, tak ada
nak datang.

Apabila berusia 50 tahun, ibu jatuh sakit dan
meminta kita menjaganya, kita bercerita
kesibukan dan kisah-kisah ibu bapa yang
beban kepada anak-anak.

Dan kemudian suatu hari, kita mendapat berita
ibu meninggal!! Khabar itu bagaikan petir!
lelehan airmata, barulah segala perbuatan kita
terhadap ibu menerpa satu persatu.

*p/s Jika ibu masih ada, sayangi dia. Jika
telah meninggal, ingatlah kasih dan sayangnya.
Sayangilah ibu kerana kita semua hanya ada
seorang ibu.(posted by wira putih)

no matter wat happens i'll always love my mom!

Thursday, December 16, 2004


Kubur itu gelap, cahayanya ialah Laa Ilaaha IllalLah. Jika diletakkan langit dan bumi di sebelah dacing, dan kalimah ini di sebelah yang satu lagi, pasti lebih berat lagi nilai kalimah 'Laa ilaaha illalLah' ini. Rasulullah saw. bersabda (mafhumnya):"Wahai manusia! Ucaplah 'Laa ilaaha illalLah', kamu pasti berjaya!" Marilah kita ucapkan kalimah ini: "Laa ilaaha illallah!" x 10 Setelah ucapkannya sebanyak 10 kali, panjangkan/fowardkan email ini kepada rakan-rakan anda untuk berkongsi ilmu ini. Bayangkan betapa besarnya pahala yang Allah sediakan, hanya untuk usaha kita yang sedikit ini Laa ilaaha illalLah.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


ARGH~!! new year problem.This time its not school but tuition.this year im tutoring both my previous tutee and her brother. Problem is....her brother aint like the sister. His sister is more bright and a fast learner BUT the brother still cant read even though he's going to primary one next year and that's BAAAAADDDD news for me! How am i gonna teach him grammar, give him maths practice and all if he cant even read the instructions. im worried i wont be able to do a good job of tutoring him.

argh~!a HUGE responsibility is on my shoulder now...can i manage???
:: ME & SCHOOL ::

hmm...looks like this semester,things aren't so bad after all.Apart from thurs & fri (project day sux as usual)..schedule for the rest of the week is OK and im confident that i'll be able to pass RFME this time with the help of new friends and new lecturer (looks like they're more supportive than the previous ones)

gonna make it tru....

Sunday, December 05, 2004

:: 1 WEEK HOLZ....NOT! ::

hai~what a way to spend my one week holiday.Was down with fever..not some ordinary fever.kejap ok..kejap tak.pastu muntah2.seminggu pulak tu.thank god HE was there for me all the while.kesian die kene jage aku.hmm...i just hope our relationship will last.

thanks dear..i love you soo much!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

:: If You Don't Have Trust, What Have You Got? ::

Can you remember when you first stopped trusting someone you loved? Or perhaps stopped trusting an acquaintance? You weren't born mistrusting other people. You learned to hold back your complete trust the first time, or the second time, or the third time you got hurt for trusting someone who was less than honest with you.
As you grew up in years, you grew up in holding back trust. It became the sane thing to do. You learned that if you didn't blindly trust, you wouldn't be blindsided when a relationship failed. Holding back, saving yourself the pain, protecting yourself, became very important. You knew no one could ever hurt you, really, really, badly, as long as you didn't put your full trust in them. You felt secure and warm knowing no one could ever hurt you so badly again.

The reality is, without placing faith in someone, without trusting, even if it may cause you to ultimately get hurt, you'll never experience complete love. Love and trust are partners. They work well together. And no matter how many times you may be hurt by people who trample the trust you place in them, you owe it to yourself to bestow the ultimate trust on the next person you choose to love. Choose wisely and placing trust will not be so difficult to do.

When there is trust... know he or she will be there for you no matter what happens.
...if you start to fall, they will catch you.
...if you are cold, they will warm you.
...if you need a hug, their arms will enfold you.
...if you need a soft word, theirs is the one you will hear.
...if you need a laugh, they have a joke. matter what you need, you know they will be there, and they know the same about you.

But when the trust is gone...

....they may not be there to break your fall.
...they may be warming someone else when you need it most.
...their arms may already be wrapped around another lover.
...their words may be spoken softly to "him" or "her."
...they may be laughing together... perhaps at you.
...and no matter how much you need them, you'll never know if they'll be there for you... or if they'll ever be there again.
...there is no way to plan for the future.

Saturday, November 20, 2004


happy birthday hani!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

:: IM BACK! ::

setelah sekian lama menghilang kini aku kembali "beraksi" dlm ruang siber ni
sebab laptop aku dah "sihat" :D
taklah bosan sgt aku kat projek room ni

TAPI...hmm...nampaknye...semua member2 nga sibuk beraya ye
sunyi pulak rasenye bile online..
kat YM xde orang..
kat myspace pun xde....
kat chenel lagi sunyi..
sume balik kampung..
sibuk beraye..
cume aku je yg dah start skool

(ok ok..i better stop whining..LOL)

buat kengkawan yg dpt cuti seminggu tu..
enjoylah puas2 ye
next wk dah start balik keje/skolah

kepade sesape yg rase kesian kat aku ni
ajaklah aku raye kt tmpt korang..
nanti aku pontenglah..buat excuse..ckp nk balik kampung..urgent..

Friday, November 12, 2004


khas buat DIA

"....bintang di langit
kerlip engkau di sana
memberi cahayanya di setiap insan
malam yang dingin
ku harap engkau datang
memberi kerinduan di sela mimpi-mimpinya
melangkah sendiri
di tengah gelap malam
hanya untuk mencuri jatuh sinaran
tak terasa sang waktu
melewati hidupnya
tanda pagi menjelang mengganti malam
oh bintang tetaplah
pastikan cahayanya
sinari langkah ku setiap saat
bintang pun tersenyum
dengarkan pinta ku
berikan kecupan di sudut tidurnya..."

i miss you

hai~!! apelah nasib aku ni..
laptop rosak lagi!!
ish! geram tul!!
bukannye ape...baru je dapat duit hasil jualan kad raya tu..
baru planning nak beli baju baru
tapi nampaknye..hasrat aku terpakse ditangguh LAGI
sebab nak kene bayar duit repair laptop tu
this always happens eh!!
mcm tau je sen masok
tension tension!

so kepada kengkawan aku..
sorry lah kalo dah lame aku tak online ye..

anyways..sempena Syawal yg bakal tibe ni
aku nak memohon maaf kepada pembaca blog aku yg tak seberapa ni
kalau ade terkasar bahase harap dimaafkan

SLAMAT HARI RAYE!! Jgn lupe jemput aku dtg umah..ahackz!

p/s woit! sape ade recovery CD untuk laptop IBM?? aku nak!! urgent!! kalo tak..laptop aku tak leh gune lagi!!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

:: KAD RAYA ::

apakah sebenarnya erti kad raya pada diri kita?

pada aku kad raya itu merupakan satu tanda ingatan
bukan sahaja pengganti diri untuk yang jauh
juga untuk yg tinggal berdekatan
tak kira kengkawan mahupun sedara-mara sendiri

kengkadang kita terlalu sibuk dengan hal memasing
skolah,kerja dan sebagainya
sehingga kita lupa untuk bertanya khabar
apatah lagi meluangkan masa berjumpa mereka

di hari-hari perayaan beginilah
kesempatan diambil untuk mengeratkan lagi jalinan yg ada
untuk mengingatkan kita wujudnya mereka-mereka dlm hidup kita
dan kita seharusnya bersyukur dan menghargai mereka
dan juga untuk mengingatkan mereka
supaya mereka tahu
mereka tidak pernah pupus dalam ingatan kita

ahackz!..aku lum beli kad raya lagi ni
[Artist] Tipe-X
[Song] Karena Cemburu
[Album] Super Surprise

Mestinya kau tanyakan dulu
Semuanya padaku
Apa yang terjadi di malam itu
Jangan maunya cuma marah-marah melulu
Tanpa banyak kata kau maki aku

Bukankah sudah semua waktuku
Hanya untukmu
Jujur dan setia
Kuberikan padamu
Namun kau tak percaya
(Kau masih tak percaya
Kau tetap tak percaya)

Kutau itu semua hanya karena cemburu
Terlalu besar rasa cintamu
Namun coba buka sedikit hati 'tuk mengerti
Karna aku bukan miliknya lagi

Harusnya kau mengerti
Harusnya kau pahami
Jangan s'lalu terjadi
Hati penuh cemburu
Percayalah padaku
Tenangkanlah hatimu
Jika tiba waktunya
Kita pasti bersama
Akan selalu bersama

Ku ingin kau percaya....

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


jam menunjukkan sudah pukul 1:30 ptg
seperti biasa..
aku berada di makmal projek
segala tugasan projek untuk hari ini telah ku selesaikan sejak pukul 10 pagi tadi
tapi aku terpaksa tunggu sehingga jam 4:30 baru boleh pulang
aahh!! membosankan!
mmg tak berfaedah langsung !!
tiap2 hari begini!
masa 8 jam tu terbuang begitu saja!
dalam kebosanan aku tadi..
sempat aku mengubah layout blog aku ni least ade jugak bende yang boleh aku buat
walaupun bukanlah seusatu yang berfedah kan?
bout the revamp..
nothing fancy...
just a plain simple new layout
skang ni blog aku ni takde lah menyeramkan sangat kan??
hmm...ape pendapat korang sume??

tick tock tick tock

Monday, November 01, 2004


jika berada dalam sesebuah perhubungan
tidak akan dapat lari daripada merasa cemburu
walaupun pasangan itu merupakan manusia paling understanding dlm dunia ni
dan seringkali ianya menjadi punca pergaduhan

mmg tidak dpt dinafikan bahawa
perasaan dan emosi wujud di dalam diri setiap insan
emosi ini datang dengan sendirinya
tanpa boleh dipaksa
tanpa boleh dibuat-buat
begitu juga perasaan cemburu
namun kita perlu pandai mengawal emosi sendiri
jangan sampai ia menguasai diri

AWASLAH! kawal perasaan cemburumu itu
jgn bertindak terlalu mengikut perasaan

"Relationships--of all kinds--are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open hand, the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on, the sand trickles through your fingers. You may hold onto some of it, but most will be spilled. A relationship is like that. Held loosely, with respect and freedom for the other person, it is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively, and the relationship slips away and is lost."
-Kaleel Jamison

gimme me my room
gimme my freedom
dont compare me with your ex-gf
i cant promise u we'll be forever
but i promise i'll give it my best
till it lasts...
:: RAIN ::

location : ngee ann poly, laser lab, project cubicle

its been raining for the past 1 hr or so..
and here i am just sitting by the window
enjoying the coolness of rain breeze
the tranquil sound of raindrops
oh goD! i just loved it when it rains..the heavier the better..
remebered the times i used to just walk in the rain
oblivious to my surrounding and stares i got from the ppl around me
the magical touch of the raindrops on my skin never fails to calm me down and make me feel better even at my most miserable and angry moments..
the wonders of god and His creations!


I'm singing in the rain...
Just singing in the rain...
What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again.
I'm laughing at clouds so dark up above.
The sun's in my heart and I'm ready for love.
Let the stormy clouds chase...
... everyone from the place.
Come on with the rain...
... I've a smile on my face.
I'll walk down the lane... to a happy refrain.
I'm singing... just singin' in the rain.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

:: B-O-R-E-D ::

its getting the im-bored-of-everything-life-has-no-meaning feeling again which is always a BAAADDD SIGN...*sigh*

am in project room right now..alone. my 2 other grpmates are already off for their early lunch. oh well..why is it that the supervisors always pick on me but when those 2 went off for their break...they dont say anything?? URGH! LIFE IS SOOO UNFAIR!

anyways..i think this is a fucking waste of time. here i am sitting in this stupid cold room supposedly doing my project but in actual fact..there arent anything to do! cos

1) my grpmates acts as though they know eveything
2) but in actual fact nobody knows wat we're supposed to do
3) i cant be bothered to ask cos im sick of getting targetted at by my supervisors
4) i just cant be bothered to do anything anymore fullstop

urgh! im better off being at home rite now


Tuesday, October 19, 2004


"kalau takde rase cemburu tu bukan bercinte namenye sayang..."


memories came rushing back...

Friday, October 15, 2004


went JB with my mum,sis,aunt and cousins. Bought kain for baju raye. Ish! puase belum...dah prepare untuk raye ek. ahackz. cute lil "Friskies" tagged along and hmm...looks like mum and aunt had no complaints bout him. :)..dats good news!! BUT..i was kinda irritated. Mum kept asking about Norman..and sis misses Norman too. Come on peeps...its over between me and him..we're just friends. Urgh!! why did mum kept asking bout him?? She hasn't even met him yet. Bleugh! wateve it is..i enjoyed today. Miss him sooooo much!

to "friskies" :
thanks sebab sudi follow.sorry bout my aunt..dont worry bout wat she said.. die joking je..cian die kene bully kan...:P

to all muslims in spore, msia and everywhere else...
slamat menyambut Ramadan and slamat berpuase

Thursday, October 14, 2004


its been damn long since i updated this. hmm...lots been happening lately. Too complicated and surreal to type it out here.let it just be between me and my close mates ya but i thank god it happened.. missing lots n lots of peeps!! and im missing my digi cam~!! its been a long time since i went snap snapping away. Sape nk join aku??sape nk amik pics aku?? heheh... jom ar kite gi merayau-rayau dan berposing-posing...lets go on a photo frenzy peeps...

there's always a reason for everything...

Friday, October 01, 2004


10-eyelet underground boot
size 9
selling for $150
(price is negotiable)

any interested buyers or any contact me at my email as soon as possible.

Hurry while stock lasts...

Tuesday, September 28, 2004


my precious purple ring broke into 3 pieces today...tak tau lah mcm mane leh pecah...bodoh tul!

it wasnt intentional...really...

Sunday, September 26, 2004


spent sunday with my mum, sis, maternal grandma, aunties and cousins. ive always got along better with my mom's side rather than dad's. they're not a bunch of nosey makcik2 whose fav pastime is gossipping bout somebody else's children.

had fun laughing and joking around with my aunts and cousins. food was extra yummy! (makan ramai2 best!!) and HELL! it was tiring babysitting...lenguh tangan aku dukung bebudak tu.BLEUGH! i wonder how our mothers cope with that...

but...Grrr! i was the target of the day.

to my cousins and aunties:

woitz! jb best pe..and wats wrong if i really end up marrying someone over there and decide to live there? im gonna own a big house and live a luxurious live over there...ure welcome to stay over anytime..(hehhhe...perasannye aku..well no harm in dreaming rite..)

wateve it is...i LOVE them all!!

grandma wants to bring us for a family vacation to KL end of the year..and im thinking of asking someone along...hmmm....

Saturday, September 25, 2004


saturday it was off to town and city hall with chek sal.its been a looooong time since i took a walk down orchard road.things never change...and i didnt really missed the place. missed eating at lucky plaza though...ive got a new fav! no more laksa..this time its fried fish bee hoon. yum yum! and oh yeah...ive found my jade shop and sal found her pearl shop! weee~~ im gonna get one of those jade pendant sooon!! ade sesape nak belikan tak? hahahaha

city hall...erm..that place is rather....erm...empty and dull. not literally (the place is still pack with ppl...its just that..i find that place boring now...dunno ar...maybe its just me..i felt like a stranger in a place which used to be my 2nd home....wierd uh... outing...makan seafood at JB k..

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

:: 2ND VISIT ::

yup! i was back at b.pnawar for the weekend...

memories of my first visit still fresh in my mind but things are a little quieter this time with the closing of the cyber cafe (hangout/meeting place) and also due to the fact that most of em arent back for the hols.

went over to t.balau which was only a few mins drive frm pnawar...

spent the afternoon at the jetty, took a walk by the beach enjoying the cooling sea breeze , the calming sound of waves splashing the beach and the beautiful sunset. it was truly a great place to relax and take my minds off the tensions at home...

thanks andika for the company...

couldnt get enough of the small town..i'll be back..for just leaving my footsteps on the sand..

Thursday, September 09, 2004

::JUST LET IT ALL HAPPEN..i gave up ::
another quarrel with my parents..
i bleed again
came to school..received debarment notice..
my blades working overtime..

the world need no fool and failure like me

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


maybe im just not cut out to live life as a normal girl..bleugh! seems like i keep making a mess of things..keep running into problems one after another. as the day i encounter every problem one by one..seems like im not getting growing weaker...damn weak! i dont think i can handle these things sick! sick of living!fucking sick of living my life! bleugh! life's bitch and i NO LONGER live to win...

lost the faith..lost the will to live...

Monday, September 06, 2004


im sorry i made u angry.
im an insensitive bitch.
who doesnt know how to appreciate ppl's care and concern.

bleeding "sorry" from my arm as i cry myself to sleep....

sampai bile kite sume akan disalah anggap?? to all my mates...perjuangkanlah nasib kite...dont let that one article bring us down...always remember...the action of ONE person will have implications on ALL before u act..we dun need anymore trouble...disebabkan artikel harian metro ni...ramai dak2 yg tak bersalah kene angkut mase kat CS tadi...pasni..mesti gig pun kene rush gak...

we dont need fools to judge and label us!

Monday, August 23, 2004


DIY PUNK FEST was a blast!!...although the venue was changed to TAMAN U at the very last minute (hell the place was damn far and very inappropriate for a gig..masok kene bukak kasot!pergh!!) BUT it was worth my money...(although i was fucking broke after dat..haha)

Bands were great~!! minus and 2fb gave an excellent performance. Up singapore punks!!the rest were superb too~!! (didnt catch the bands names but here's the line-up... 2FB, semerepang, parkinson, molotov, depress, intifada, a-rose & minus) crowd was awesome too~!! met lotsa ppl!!DAMN!! if only the gig was held at the original'll be perfect~!!

p/s bob..kalau awak bace msg ni..sorry lah sebab tak bnyk bual...seganlah kat kengkawan awak...mesti awak igt hani sombong kan? hmm...its was nice meeting u again after sooo long..:)

Thursday, August 19, 2004


so all these while..dats wat they see me as??...a rebellious girl with a bad attitude..a bad influence to their daughter?? am i really that bad a friend?? that bad a person to hang out with??

i know im no angel...i dont blame u for wat happened...i dont hate ur parents too..i dont give a fuck wat ppl hafta say bout me but coming from ur best friend's parents..its really hurt by their judgement..hurt by thier decision...and most of all im hurt that u just kept quiet...

oh well...watever...just shoot being overly sensitive...allalal...bweekk!!

had a nice chat with my mum today...i love u!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


grab those blade ,cut right through
bleed again ,feel the pain
sink it deeper ,watch it flow

bleed out the hurt..
bleed out the sadness..
bleed out the angst..
bleed out everything..till it builds up again...

and i'll cut again...
till i feel no pain...

*blinkies taken frm liquideyeliner*

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

kejauhan mengajar aku erti kesabaran
masa mengajar aku mengenali pendirian
makna memberi aku satu kejutan
dan keputusan memberi aku satu jawapan...

i was better off being numb...

Saturday, August 07, 2004


intended to give norman a surpise visit and watch his band perform at skudai parade but thanks to the traffic and human congestion over at the causeway...we didnt made it on time...bleugh! Wasted trip!

called andika...he was going to watch OAG...since we're already near the venue...decided to join him and his frens..oh yah..met gigi and the rest there too...

it was AWESOME! opening act by POH was GREAT !Though we waited kinda long for OAG themselves to was worth the wait...but i would was kinda short...didnt get enough of them.Loved the song beautifool and now why2. Can see that sis had so much fun.

im not really a fan of OAG...only knew 2 of theirs songs...but im kinda addicted to them now. Fresh and different! i loike!

p/s thanks andika for the tix and everything...u shudn't pamper me too more next time k...

Friday, August 06, 2004

Prediction for 8/6/2004

Your efforts at your work place may suffer a setback. Try to drive some logic and sense so that the situation and soon you will find a way out. The day may not be good for new ventures. Look at what is already in hand. Love and romance may bring you joy by the evening.

bleugh!! project is hell !! did my job..but all i get was criticism which really made my morale dropped waaaayyy supervisor is an irritating BIATCH! at least mr gopal helped us and gave us encouragement...but she just knows how to nag nag nag nag and complain...and kutuk!! blueekk!! im going for a smoke now! bluegh!

Saturday, July 24, 2004


a very great omen to start the day~!!! ahackz...its been looong since i drenched myself in the rain...almost forgot wat it feels like to just stand there and embrace every single drop of still loving it after all these years....(",)

wasnt in the mood to hang out in town or at city hall today..which is kinda wierd cos its a SATURDAY...not in the mood to go home too...mum's not talking to dad...sis getting on my nerve...dunno the reason why...everything's so tensed up at after tuition...headed straight to the library instead...

browsed tru many2 books on feminism..capitalism...terrorism...anarchism... love...poetry...blablabla..
its amazing wat u can find in our public library...all u hafta to do is take the effort to search tru wats provided..if ure too lazy to skim tru every single titles on the shelves..u can always make use of the OPAC..just type the subject ure looking for..and'll tell u where to find them...

had the whole day and the whole library to myself!! it was really great...just me and the books in a lil cozy corner far frm evryone's view...(or maybe i was too engrossed reading dat i forgot anyone esle exists...haha)

proceeded home after that..played with my dearest IANN the TUPAI and cleaned its cage...hmmph!! that lil squirrel is becoming nottier day by day...wanted to scratch my nose when i kissed him on his head...felt like biting him!GrRRrr!!!...BUT he's still sooooo adorable!!! cUtE..CheeKy..NoTTy..lil MuNkeE ..sQuiRReL!!!

yeah...dats how my day went today...nothing interesting...very happy and felt sooo relaxed...(i havent been feeling dat way the last few weeks or so...)

 Well...i guess...i DO need to spent some time for myslef...just ME, MYSELF and I...*shrug* its like a regular dosage...if i dun get gonna get all cranky and emo..and full of angst and hatred...ahahahha...wierd uh?? oh well...dats hani for u...

now dat im all calmed down...its time to meet those guys at JB tomorrow...and im gonna bring my sis along...lets just hope everything will be alright tmr!!


Tuesday, July 20, 2004

been living in someone else's shadow....
am i not entitled to live life my own way??
i hate living in obligations..
why cant i lead mine..and u lead yours??
i want MY freedom!!
fuck off will u!!!


Tuesday, July 13, 2004


went JB again today..wee!! FINALLY got to catch SPIDERMAN2 !! yeah yeah..i know..went all the way there just to watch a movie is kinda stupid BUT it was worth it!! (aku kan bajet queen..ahackz..)

indulged ourselves to the delicious aunt annie pretzels each after that while sipping hot teh tarik at the warung thats wat i call the feeling of luxury which i cant afford here in my own i had to go all the way across the causeway..oh one's complaining right? (",)

p/s sorry to keep u waiting..thanks for the company and thanks for the sweater..

Thursday, July 08, 2004

:: AARGGHHH!! ::

blardy hell!! i dunno what happened or who tampered with my handphone!! now ALL the phone numbers in my SIM cardz gone! yes...ALL!! bleugh!! dats a hell lot of numbers in there!! SOS!! HELP people!! pls inform me again of your numbers or i wont be able to contact u guys ever again..especially those of you whom i dont met often or those not in singapore...


Monday, July 05, 2004


pics r up...

Saturday, July 03, 2004


the happiest people are not always happy..hmm...ive heard that countless of times..and yes its so fucken true..

on the outside..ure smiling..laughing..making jokes..BUT how may times were u actually genuine about it?? more often than not..wat u potrayed were just a facade...a shield to hide ur innermost feelings of anger..sadness..hatred..rejected..and wat have PRETENDED as if..everything was fine and that ure having a great ACTED as if u dont care and u accepted everything light-heartedly..

i dont deny the fact that im guilty of that too..oh well im afterall human..but the worst part is.. sometimes i get tooo emotional..too sensitive..too possesive and defensive about something that it drives me nuts!! im disgusted with myself when that happens.. but yet..wat can i do about it?? its just me..just me and my feelings...jus me and my paranoia...derz nothing i can do except puting on an act..

im a hypocrite!! a hypocrite to my own self...sometimes i think i have a metal disorder..or a personality disorder...bah!!

disebalik senyum tersimpan beribu duka
disebalik tawa terselindung air mata
mulut berkata tidak mengapa
hati menahan rasa marah yg tak terhingga
semua yg terpapar hanya lakonan semata
inilah sandiwara dunia
episod yg takkan berakhir...
sampai bila-bila

its all rehearsed

Friday, July 02, 2004


first stance recordings presents...girls in the scene matinee

4 july 04 sunday
Klux Klux Adventure My precious Bloody Reject Last Minute Ground Zero Mantra
Leez Musician Port (depan Hotel Sri Malaysia Larkin) 5 minute walks from larkin bus station JB

see ya there~!!
:: BLEUGHH!! ::

im in project room my own cozy corner doing nothing..yeah..NOTHING!! much time wasted!! we've finished doing wat we're supposed to do why not let us off?? rather than we sit here and doing NOTHING productive at all. Yeah..i know..the place is internet BUT being cooped up in this room from 1pm-4:30pm can definitely drive anyone nuts!!

BUT..ive soooo many notes and research to do...i wanna go home!!


Wednesday, June 30, 2004



already gotten my 1st oral presentation about PREJUDICE...


time to let my creative juices out~!! havent decided who to group with and what to choose for the upcoming assigment.Got to come up with a logo..a brochure..a poster and a short advertisitment promoting either "clean & green week" or "uniquely singapore" (STB)...hmmmm....

12noon-1pm [LUNCH BREAK]

hehhe...biasa ar...makan...slacked with the guys..kacau ppl...and smoking time~!!


open dicussions about ethical dilemmas...todays lesson was just an introduction about some of the common ethical dilemmas ppl faced...and our views on wat shud be done...discussed about wats "right" and wats "wrong"...then we talked about human rights...and i managed to slot in a bit about the freedom of speech issue and women's rigths..hahaha...
basically its like this..picked a certain issue/situataion..talked about it..gave our views..made our stands...give reasoning..lecturer even posed questions challenging our stand (even if he agrees with it) just to make us think the end of the day its all up to US to put forward wat WE think...nobody's gonna stop u from expressing ur ones gonna say..NO U SHUDN"T THINK DAT WAY...blablabla crap...not even the within that 2hr in that closed walls...its just a time for US to voice out..finally...freedom of speech being practiced...*winkz*

im loooving it~!!

Sunday, June 27, 2004


tomorrow marks the last day of my semester holz. its been one hell of a roller coaster ride...eye-opening experience...a truly different and unexpected semester break...

yeah...i know..its been a risky trip...lotsa unplanned/last min travelling alone...and lepakking with strangers/ppl i just got to know...but the adrenaline rush is wat i seek...(im loooving it~!!!) has also proven to be a great and effective learning journey....

its tru those trips that I learnt to communicate with others despite different views and opinions...i learnt how to carry/conduct myself...I learnt how to adapt to unfamiliar grounds out of my comfort forced to evaluate carefully before deciding on something because wateve the consequences were..ive got no-one to blame..and no help guaranteed......

the places ive been..the experience i went tru...the frens i met...the memories glad i took the risk..and just went for it! cos...its been GGRREEAATTT~!!!!

u guys opened my eyes..mind and heart...

ada gak hikmahnye aku stay over umah atan a surprise visit from someone ive been missing and havent met for quite a long time...hmm..mmg betul2 tak disangke..tetibe je die call aku..and then muncul kat kedai 25jam tu. lepak lama plak tu...berjam-jam. Im glad atan,ben and the rest leh click with him...siap cite kisah2 personal lagi...and yeah..once in the wrong of doubting him...hai~entahlah...shall just leave it like this...

i can never get enough of u...

Friday, June 25, 2004


my trip to bandar penawar was truly glad Ali kinda forced me to follow them back home despite the fact that im running short of cash.although i didnt do much there...basically just slacked and lepakked BUT it was the way they treated me that makes it all worthwhile. finally got to meet the people of desaru..ish!! no words can describe how i felt when i was there...BUT yes i was smiling and laughing the whole while...

thanks to ALL those ppl who made me feel really welcomed and comfortable..(especially to ALI and ANDIKA) thanks for "taking care" of my necessities there...thanks for making me feel at home...rasanye mcm tak nak balik pun ada gak...ahackz...tapi masih rasa mcm tak percaya lak...tak sangka yg aku akan jejak gak kat sana dan dpt bersua muke ngan dak2 tu sume...

oh glad i did...and i'll definitely be back there...*pics will be up soon*

Thursday, June 24, 2004

:: IM BACK~!! ::

ok ok..hani is finally back home...heheh..ramai gak yg mencari aku ye..rindu gak korang kat aku...

tulah lumrah dunia..bila ada di depan mata..diabaikan..bila dah takde baru rasa kehilangan..baru tercari-cari..

k then..i'll put up the pics..and update next time..

jauh perjalanan...luas pemandangan...

Saturday, June 19, 2004

:: B-O-S-A-N ::

hey now in segamat rite now..freaking bored!! its almost, ali and ibeni are at CC...was bored in the house and we went out hoping to cure our boredom but...oh well..there's just nothing much to do..

anyway.. u guys mite be wondering wat im doing here...going for the gig tmr..rather than being stuck in singapore..decided to visit my long-lost kampung..and experince wat its like here..(the gig i mean)....

for now..guess we'll just slack around..rot..until its time for the gig..

[sri] sorry ar aku tak bagitau kau dulu sebeum aku pegi..last minute ar beb..

rotting away...

Friday, June 11, 2004


found the lost links to my old online albums!!

miss our lepak sessions at admiralty and esplanade...miss our outings..miss our drinking and mabuk sessions back then..miss you guys..ALL OF YOU!!chuck,in,man,senyum,ilya,ayap,yan...

ESPECIALLY FARHAN aka roti boYAN~!!! remember our 647km outings?? just the 2 of us..wandering around..exploring..taking photos..and when it gets too tiring..we just sat down and nevers gets boring uh..even though i spent the whole entire day with you..24hrs a day..7 days a week!!

hai~but those moments will never come again...things will never be the same anymore..and the worst part is..i dunno how it became like this..

with that..i shall link back those photos..
here's a toast to the old days...

my birthday outing
marina bay
arts appreciation day

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


click here for bigger image

click here for bigger image

Monday, June 07, 2004


met up wif atan and his frens at larkin before heading off to the gig...

it wasnt dat GREAT (the gig)..lotsa those hardcore/screamo stuff and it got a lil boring for me..but POH was awesome!!

atan's frens...nice buncha guys...very friendly especially BEN...dey didn't made me feel left out...and of cos not forgetting atan...thanks...

pics r up at the links section

Sunday, June 06, 2004

a baby was found dead in a toilet of Beauty World Shopping Complex yesterday.

WTF?!! I was so flabbergasted when i heard it on the news yesterday night. Who in their right mind would dispose of a human being like that?? hearing about these abandones babies really pains, saddens and pisses me off!! to those culprit who did all that...those are innocent lifes ure taking... how could you bring yourself to kill a tiny, helpless baby?? i cant even pinch a baby...and you're killing them??? You're murdering your own flesh and blood!! MY GOD!! there you are enjoying the pleasure of sex without thinking first whether ure ready to have children...and then when u found out that ure pregnant..u take the easy way out..oh well...just dispose it like some trash...dont u ever spare a thought for the baby?? they too deserve to live...they dont deserve to die just because u went overboard and is too coward to face the consequences and bear the responsibilties...some of you..its not even your first time...uve done it like countless times!! How many innocent lives are u gonna take?? u wanna play god?? *bleugh* YOU DISGUSTS ME!!

pls...hear my plea...before you do anything...think of the consequences...spare a thought for these innocent babies...

Thursday, June 03, 2004


pardon my disappearance from singapore as well as the virtual world BUT now im back!! Back from KL and had finally self-repaired my wee woo~ hmm...errkk!! looks like ive got losta updating n bloggin to do... ok... here goes~...

:: KL TRIP (29th-30th May) ::

had some last minute change of plan..norman n the rest couldnt make it for the trip BUT being the stubborn girl i am..i decided to go ahead with the plan..even if it meant going KL alone...yup...alone all the way from singapore to larkin to pudu to the oi! fest itself....

being alone in unfamiliar ground...i knew i was putting myself at risk...but i was damn pissed at the fact that he had to wait till the very last minute to make confirmation and at last..he couldnt make it...(yelah yelah...aku gi sebab nak tunjuk perasaan lah)

free-entry tag

anyway...the gig was great!!finally get to see my fav Msian Oi! bands performed..mainly roots N boots and the suspect!! cheers to the other bands as well!! and cheers to lion city's gen69!!

*thanks Ila,As and the Klang crew for the warm welcome.. jay, HIV and company..nice meeting u guys..rozaimin..ahackz..finally we met Din(JB) and frens...thanks a lot for the rosthman,wan shah,boi and the rest of the lion city crew..yeahahahah...finally some familiar faces...and...hmm...too bad tingkat lapan dah takde room eh...*

it was hell of a trip i wud NEVER forget..for some reason or another..

(*pics not wif me...cos my camera sux!*)

pergiku tiada ketenangan
bercelaru perasaan & fikiran...
kembaliku berlumur noda & dosa
namun tiada lagi air mata
tiada lagi kata-kata
tiada lagi rasa...

:: BEACH OUTING (2nd June) ::

the beach is a multi-purpose-you'll-never-get-bored-of-it place..great for both relaxin n having fun..great for family/frens as well as when u just wanna be left alone...

spent the entire day with noid,sal, sabriah and her frens at East Coast...

pics speak a thousand r up at the links section...

Thursday, May 27, 2004

One Voice Asia & Superketat Empire Presents...

:: Voice To Be Heard Gig ::

Evening Session , Ellesebelle Tears , Nazark , D.O.T , Our Last Defence , P.O.H , Black Bicycle

Venue :: Leez Musician Port , Komplex Renang Larkin , Jln Sentosa, Larkin JB ( Near Hotel Sri Malaysia )
Date :: 6th June 04
Entrance :: RM 12
Time :: 1 pm

:: RESULTS !! ::

to those who kept asking me bout my results..just refer to here ok..malas aku nak repeat bnyk2 kali..

Microcontroller Prog & Interfacing [B+]
Expressing Yourself [AD]
Starting A Business [B]
Communications Systems Fundamentals [D]
Project Design Prac 2 [B]
Fundamentals of Control Systems [C]

ahackz...yea yea yea...ive been blessed by the goddess of luck yet results aint good BUT its above expectation since as u ALL know..i didnt study much and had been absent from school...muahahaahahahaha

and gonna celebrate!! wee~

click here for bigger image tell me how am i gonna learn my lesson??...

Monday, May 24, 2004


ahackz..just found out that worldofoi (msian skinhead website) is up and running again aaannnddd all my past messages in my inbox have all been retrieved back!! woo wee woohoo~ *smiles*

now its time to get back in touch wif my long lost mates!

Sunday, May 23, 2004


walked along ORCHARD after having lunch at LUCKY PLAZA (today's LAKSA lacked ooommpphh!) and we came across an ICE CREAM SELLER. (u know those ice cream seller on the streets with the mobile ice cream box selling ice cream potong blablabla) how he looks like...

some of us would maybe imagine him to be an old apek with apek polo tees and dats the case..then u just proved my point..(if not..then ure one of those few who always came across young ice cream seller or ure just not the type with stereotypical thinking) im one of those who wud come up with that apek image..well since young..those ice cream man i often met are ALWAYS yeah..(but the one we met is NOT..he's young and trendy and plays funky pop music) and it just struck me (not dat i dunno this fact before)..generally ppl create stereotypical image/views on things (even small unimpt things like an ice cream seller)..either based on experience..encounters or frm wat they heard...

ppl stereotyped all skinheads as being pro-nazi and racists based on what they see on TV or read in books and what-have-yous...ppl stereotyped punks as a menace to society and all they're good at are just creating trouble and rioting..ppl stereotyped malays as stupid and lazy..and the list goes on and on and on...they create these images without first getting to know these individuals...

so basically wat i wanna say is..dont judge a book by its cover before reading em..dont judge someone based on their looks before first getting to know em...dont judge food based on their outlook before tasting em...u gotta go beyond the surface...*winkz*

Saturday, May 22, 2004

:: NORMAN ZAIRE ROSLE :: boorreedd!! fucken bored!! there're so many things to do going yani's chalet, sal's bbq, gig @ paradigm, going JB to check out the boots Izad has been telling me about..yeah...BUT dunno mood for all that...( wierd rite)

anyway...NORMAN ZAIRE ROSLE...ive decided to blog about him. WHY?? cos im BOOORREEDDD!! and he just called...*good timing uh*...ahackz...anyway..he's my fren from JB..we met by chance on #skinhead 1yr ago...i still remember how it started...he was having "karaoke" session on main and he forgot his lines...ahackz...and dats when i came to save the day!!wateva happened to our culture-by THE OFFICIAL (dat was the song)..he thought i was a guy then..and it didn't matter anyway..we just clicked! but seriously i never thought our friendship could go beyond the virtual world and lasts till now...

from chatting on IRC..we went on yakking on the PHONE..and den finally after 2mnths or so we met up (just before my school term starts)..Sri couldnt accompany me then so yeah..u guessed it..i went to meet him ALONE!!..kinda risky when i tot of it now..i mean..i was at a foreign country with a alone and not familiar with the place..SOOO many things could happen glad i trusted my gut feeling and just GO FOR IT!

cos now..he's like one of my closest friends..a great guy to hang out and yakked with..has a great sense of humor..can easily make me laugh..and also there during my MAJOR ANGER/EMO ATTACKS!..he just know the right things to say at the right time.brought positive changes in me..taught me alot about life,frenships and family ties..and one of the few who spurred me on to keep the faith (indirectly) when i almost gave up looking at the scene here..and provided me with a new meaning to being a EASTERN SKINHEAD!

he's also responsible for my involvement in meeting and wanting to get to know frens frm JB and msia...ahackz..BUT it was worth it..after him..i made quite a number of great msian mates !! underground sceneters especially..wee~ and im in looovvveee with the U/G scene there as well..(no offence to those in sg..but there are differences!)

and u know how i turned frm hani stone to kecohrable in under 1 yr eh..ahackz..all his fault ar!!

ok ok..this is a super duper extra long entry(dun think anyone will read it anyway)..BUT who cares!!..gotta get ready for LAKSA date wif Sri..ahackz..a good way to overcome boredom..lepak wif a close fren wif great cheap food! im off~!!

yeah..u'll never see the last of us..
:: ON FILE ::

an Oi! Skinhead band based in Dundee, Scotland..playing 80s style oi oi! music!
been about since '97 but i just got to know em like yesterday! *bleugh* WASTED!

Just heard 3 of their songs "tradition not trend" , "used to be a bootboy" and "you offend me" and i LOVVVEEDD wat i heard!! where can i get their CDs??! URGH!! SOMEONE..SOMEWHERE..PLS!!

Tradition not trend, the only way to be
Tradition not trend, Oi! Oi! Skinhead can't you see
Tradition not trend, TNT
Tradition not trend, back to the 80's

Thursday, May 20, 2004

:: SHUT UP! ::

fucken irritated..pissed of!! bingit!! felt like crying and shouting all at the same time!! i need my blades!!! URGH!!

just go away and leave me alone..u never cared in the first place anyway..ure just makng use of me..yeah..ALL OF U!!

Friday, May 14, 2004

:: latest update on OI! THE FEST 04 ::

date: 29th May 2004
time: 2pm till late
entry: Rm20
venue :dewan chinwoo (next to merdeka stadium)
featuring: The Officials, Roots N Boots, The Offside, Skinrovers, 2nd Guess, Da' Pirates, The Blade, Plastic Gangster, The Minor and Saturday Heroes

yahhoooo~!!! see ya guys there!!

date : 29th-31st May 2004
venue: batu layar beach reasot (JB)
fee : Rm70 per person(dorm and chalet)
Rm50 for Camp(bring your own camp)

Dorms for 60person.Chalet,each for 6/7 people,Meal 5 Times A Day.Breakfast/Lunch/High Tea/Dinner And Supper,Gathering And Ice Breaking,Gig And Some Games....


ok..slept on my dilemma last nite and now i have reached a decision...

i wud not go to KL tmr...instead..i will save up the money so that i can go to KL end of the month...with my camera n films..and then meet up with the others there...and we can all go snap snapping away with our boots and wat-have-yous..and i will stil be able to meet up with the FNBKL peeps...wahahahahhaha...the start of my mini project uh...thanks eh Min for the idea!!

and then...i will still have enuff money to go Desaru for a relaxing holiday!!! gonna suggest it to the others...weee~!!and at the same time meet up with my dearest andika~*winkz*...wuahahahahahhahaha....

congrats hani..for coming up with such a wonderful plan..heheh

ARRGGHH!!! and...ive got another problem...gotta send "budak botak jb's" regard to a "certain someone". *sheesh* why did he forced me to ?!? i got feeling things might get ugly...fuuhh!! hidupku bertambah rumit..!!

aaanndd...SRI! Man ckp..kalau leh dptkan EP tu..try to make it fast just in case die tak sempat nak listen to it...he's scaring me...i think something is not right...just waiting for the hospital report...AARRRGGHH!! betul ke ape yg aku dgr dari mulut die???

ya allah...sesungguhnye aku hanya seorang insan biasa

ok..i have a dilemma...Sal won't be able to go KL with me this now.. should i just go ahead with my plan alone?? kinda risky but thrilling...hmmmm.... a fren of mine.."boulala" aka asyraf

yup! dats him! kinda cute rite?? ada sape2 nak kenalan? ahahahha...opps!! jgn marah ye asyraf...

anyway..did nothing much ar..just walk walk..people talk..walked all the way to city hall as usual..bought dinner at LJS and ate at esplanade...

he's a nice guy to hang out with...although tak sekecoh kat irc tapi ok ar..leh bebual.. (ohh..kat irc tak habis2 nak sakat aku eh...tadi maintain cool je ye..) but im sure its gonna change once we get to know each other better...

unplanned...brown is the colour...

one thing though..the day was spoilt by an unwelcomed visitor who just spoilt my mood!! urgh!! cant u just leave me alone???!! kalau tak puas hati..den make sure u confront me and say wat u wanna say straight to my face!if not...den get out of my way!! kau dgn cara kau..aku ngan cara aku..ish!!!

sorry ar ashraf pasal gangguan tu ye...other than dat..i enjoyed ur company..jgn serik ar keluar ngan aku eh...hahhahaha....

some ppl act juz like lil kids...dun blame me if u cant take criticism...bah!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004


theme: Universal Declaration on Human Rights
venue : HELP Institute Auditorium (Kuala Lumpur)
date: 14th,15th May (16th May - Award Presentation Ceremony)

20 original made-in-Malaysia films and documentaries will put on display.
All screenings are FREE, entry will be on a first-come-first-serve basis.

will be screened on 15th May(12nn)
featuring FNBKL's Sunday Food Servings

visit here for more info.

get your dose of socially-conscious cinema

Sunday, May 09, 2004


venue: LC BISTRO
band line-up: n.e.t, FPM, custom daisy, die or trap, shortbeach wankers, noozle holder

The crowd was full of energy and enthusiasm despite the extremely small and stuffy space. Definitely not a mosh-friendly place...more like a sauna...BUT it was hell lots of fun. Lots of crazy moshing, flying and kicking....(aku dah mcm org mabuk sak..padahal tak minum..ahackz) love the JB crowd!! FPM..u guys rock the place!! My dear Norman Zaire Rosle..thank you soooo much for taking us me the freedom of enjoying myself in the moshpit YET..u still keep a lookout for me..(hehhee..sorry eh kalau saya too difficult to handle) Said...(his fren)...nice meeting ya! Bob punk...see ya next gig~! Atan and gang...sorryler lepak kejap je...treat tangguh lain kali was it?? enjoyed urself rite?? and the rest of the peeps yg tersandar kat wall...thanks for the cushioning..hehhehe....

i got a bruised eye..hahah

Thursday, May 06, 2004

:: *AAHHHCHOOO!!* ::

don't know how many packets of tissues ive used perspiring alhtough the fan is on full blast in my head is eyes r watery and so is my throat feels very hungry but i kept on burping...*bleugh*

i hate it when im sick!!

just hung up the phone with "the munkee".Initial intention was to inform him abt the FPM gig. He sound very different..extra cheerful...but i knew he's troubled...

excerpt of conversation after gig updates..

me: (sensing his odd behavior) hmm...where're u now?..kenapa hari ni mcm lain je?
him: in my car...driving around jb..tak lah..sama je..
me: u sure?u ok? where u heading to?
him: i dunno..saje je pusing2...
me: having some problems dear? u know u can always talk to me right?
him: i know..tapi..entahlah...i lost..mcm nak gi clubbing...nak release tension ar
me: WHAT?? u left those days long ago kan?...jgn buat keje ikut perasaan...cube tenangkan diri tu dulu...lagipun kan awak nga driving tu...and remember what u told me the last time i went drinking...
him: hmm...u don't worry bout me k dear..jgn risau..i will be ok...nanti ada pape hal saya call awak k.. (still wif that "cheerful" voice)
me: jgn buat keje bodoh k...take care...

im having a baaaaaddd feeling about this...wat else is bothering him???


Wednesday, May 05, 2004

:: We're Coming Back - ACAB ::

its time for us to have our say
its been awhile we've been away
we're coming back to where we belong
that is on the top where we will be strong
we will never change our way
and we will never call it a day
as long as there is oi! we're here to stay

its time to turn the clock back
its time to make a move
we're coming back
u gotta believe its true

after months of leading separated ways...the girls are back together again...*hugs*

semester 4 completed~...

today's paper was the worst of all!! *sheesh* i actually dozed off the 1st 30mins of it and had only 20 guaranteed marks..the other 30..hmm..lets just hope i get lucky for my MCQ...but i wont count on dat!

expected results : B, D, F *shit!*

wateva it gonna enjoy my holz...shall worry abt results later,,haha! *winkz*

yeah..yeah..hani never learns..heheh

Tuesday, May 04, 2004


"AT THE FIRST GLANCE"..a documentary made by frens from FNBKL had been chosen to enter FREEDOM FILM FESTIVAL...CONGRATS guys!! and i've been invited to join them for the screening on the 14th-16th May Help's Institute...hmm...aku nak pegi~...sape nak ikut aku gi KL????!??!

interested participants...pls contact aku ASAP k...

2 down~ 1 last one to go..

had an EMPTY FCS book at EMPTY sample paper. went into the exam hall with an EMPTY stomach & an alomst EMPTY brain..

the only thing i had were bits and pieces of what AN told me about 2 hrs before the paper itself..

hahhaha...can i scrape it tru?? *doubtful*

counting down to holidays...

Sunday, May 02, 2004


me: like you cared..!!
him: yes i care! u may not know this but i reli care for u..dala..i bilang ni semua bukannye u kisah. U not gonna listen anyway. Kalau norman lain lah..kan??

*SHEESH* why do u hafta mention HIM?? HE has got nothing to do with this ok!! ARGH!!! Its Bugging me!!

guilty as charged..

Saturday, May 01, 2004


1 down...2 to go~

im a spoilt brat!! NOPE! am not pampered by my family, friends or anyone for that pampered by LUCK!!
despite last min's paper was a breeze. I must've been blessed by the rain yesterday.Either that or someone out there is praying hard for me...watever it'll sure run out sooner or later...

there's surely a price to pay...

Friday, April 30, 2004


gonna have my 1st paper later today at 2pm...
i havent got evrything at my fingertips yet....and all i could say to myself is..."OH WELL~I'VE STILL GOT ANOTHER 6 MORE HOURS TO GO.." (xcluding getting ready and travelling time) and here i am...lost in a world of my own AGAIN..*sheesh* i think i'll never know the meaning of PANIC uh...*bleugh*

stoned as always...

Sunday, April 25, 2004


after hanging out, enjoying the calming sea breeze and admiring the beautiful sunset at DANGA BAY...we're off to DINNER~!!!

he took us to ANJUNG WARISAN pekan budaya...the first thing i saw when we reached were trees...woody, kampung like place with wooden stairs/ladders and atap roof and the makan area wasnt the ordinary tables and chairs...they've dis separated balconies where u've gotta take off ur shoes and sit on the floor...some r located upstairs..among the trees...when u wanna call for orders u just tap on this biigg wooden chilli...fucken coOool~!!!!

they even have angklung performance to entertain guests...and the SUUUWWEEETESSTT thing was...he requested a bday song to be played for my sis!! *aaWWww!!*

by the way...the fooOODD was yummy!! and the peach ice cream was SUPERBB!!! gr8 weather...awesome place..lovely company...i cudn't ask for more can i?? if only those 6 hrs cud go on forever....

although i was kinda pissed when he told me LAST MIN dat he actually gotta continue work later...(i mean he met us rite after he got off frm work at 4 then he still gotta work at 11...he must be fucken tired!!!) BUT i was really glad he was with us the whole while...its been long...soOoo long...since we've met...and i've been missing him badly...(only as usual i didn't tell him lah...*bleugh* yeah yeah...fucken egoistic bitch! haha)

too bad though my sis doesnt like me snapping photos..she was still a lil uncomfortable having him i didnt took much photos but there'll be a next time...insyaallah...

till we meet again...

erkk!! wats wif me??!!...1st..a date wif a a munkee...hahhahha...

juz got back from celebrating my sis bday with "the munkee"...hehehehhe...mmg sajaklah tu..."the munkee" ajak makan kat restaurant atas pokok...SUUUWEEETTT!!! want details...i'll update later!! *winkz*

im falling for you all over again....

Saturday, April 24, 2004


juz clarifying...its girl-space-fren....kawan perempuan not Gf no lesbo!!!

lepak-ed with "the vampire" (my virtual fren) today...she was "drowning" in misery so offered her company...

*gosh* didn't expect we can "click" only after the first meeting!! hahahha...but dats goOOood news. hey! its difficult to find a girl whom i can click with k...and bonus is....she lives so fucken neeeaaarrrrrr !!

slacked around...smoked..chatted...bitched abt guys..blablabla...she drank...(well...i just quit aight...gotta stick to that! but it was tempting though..bleugh) was great uh...been awhile since ive had "girl-talk" or even lepak-ed for that matter...

by the way..tmr is the 24th...hmm...

Thursday, April 22, 2004


hahahahahha...the ppl living in my area must've thought i was crazy...strolling in the heavy rain~!!...BUT it was calming and refreshing..remembered the time when i was young...i always LOOOVVEEDD heavy rains!! my sis,mum and i used to have soooo much fun playing in the rain!!! (and i remembered ive always wanted the little rubber boots..but i never got one..hahaha) sometimes my neighbours wud join in too~!! hai~too bad i was alone..(was kinda shocked and disappointed too when i saw noone else was enjoying the rain...not even KIDS!!! *bleugh*).. if only my sis was home..or maybe my little kuzzins...would be much more fun splish splashing!!

it only lasted for a while though....was all drenched when i got home...

"perangai masih mcm budak2"...mum smiled and handed me a cup of hot milo..(",)

my projects are ALL done...and its time to concentrate on my upcoming final year exam...BLEUGH!! seriously..i aint got no mood for that right now...been doing ALL OTHER it compiling photography tips n notes...taking photographs..surveying n researching bout FNBs...tidying up my room and study up the house..catching up with old friends..ISH!! every other thing EXCEPT...revising my work..aarrrggghhh!!!

ehhh~!! its just started raining damn heavily gonna enjoy the rain...gonna get myself drenched..toodles~!!!

is my PANIC button ever gonna be triggered???...*doubtful*

Monday, April 19, 2004


I ran into a stranger as he passed by,
Oh excuse me please" was my reply.
He said, "Please excuse me too;I wasn't watching for you."
We were very polite, this stranger and I.
We went on our way and we said good-bye.
But at home a different story is told,
How we treat our loved ones, young and old.
Later that day, cooking the evening meal,
My son stood beside me very still.
When I turned, I nearly knocked him down.
"Move out of the way," I said with a frown.
He walked away, his little heart broken.
I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.
While I lay awake in bed,God's still small voice came to me and said,
While dealing with a stranger, common courtesy you use,
But the children you love, you seem to abuse.
Go and look on the kitchen floor,
You'll find some flowers there by the door.
Those are the flowers he brought for you.
He picked them himself: pink, yellow and blue.
He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise,
You never saw the tears that filled his little eyes."
By this time, I felt very small,And now my tears began to fall.
I quietly went and knelt by his bed;
Wake up, little one, wake up," I said.
Are these the flowers you picked for me?"
He smiled, "I found 'em, out by the tree.
I picked 'em because they're pretty like you.
I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue."
I said, "Son, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today;
I shouldn't have yelled at you that way."
He said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay. I love you anyway."
I said, "Son, I love you too, and I do like the flowers,
especially the blue."

Sunday, April 18, 2004


still ecstatic about the phonecall this afternoon...sweet surprise...things seems to be getting better for glad!! thanks for the suggestion..reli looking forward to 24th April...hope it goes as planned and hope you n my mum could get along... feeling bad...hurt someone's feelings...but i cant do much...matters of the cant be forced...didnt mean to hurt you....i shut've just drift away and shut up??? i dunno...

am eager to learn more and participate in FOOD NOT BOMB...thanks sickedHEro for introducing this to earned my respect...thumbs up!!...keep it up mate~!! hope to see ya soon~

im getting dizzy...

Tuesday, April 13, 2004


i used to hate it when u mention those words....
now i long for you to say it once again..
if only i could turn back time...
if only i could just say it...

...i miss you...

Monday, April 12, 2004


it seems like ive found the answers i wanted yet..all i got were just more questions...

is dat an answer??is that THE answer??
:: PX bDay CelebRatIOn N miNi GaThErInG ::

yesterday was lovely~

started wif gorcery shopping at rivervale plaze...then off to Karen's to cook!! chopped onions..diced garlic..marinated chicken..sliced cake..cut was nice cooking together..just like ol times during camps and field cookings..

the usual gathering protocol followed-compared difference..commented change..reminisced bout the past...old jokes...silly days...stupid n embarrassing incidents.

then...the bday girl came!! ahackz!!...surprised arent you?? hahaha....ate dinner together..main course,chicken spaghetti, turns out good...not bad lah for an amateur cook like me..*winkz*...shaik's chicken wings were superb!..and not forgetting our home-made cake...ahackz...looks cute! had some more junks food~n ice cream!!

at the end of the day..i suffered bloated stomach..seriously DAMN full!! and cramped jaws frm too much laffing...*pics r up!

sheesh..its been ages since i met up with these peeps...n i enjoyed myself..:o)

Friday, April 09, 2004

:: CRAZY wee~wat a ride! ::

spent GD Friday at JB with ma sis,Fadz Bob and Dol.

1st stop-City Square...Dol wanted to buy shoes but we ended up touring almost the whole of CS cos he forgot the exact location of the shop *smacks forehead*...but luckily dapat jumpe itu kedai..

called norman thought of meeting him a while but he wasnt home...his dad asked us to stopover at his house but i declined the offer...paiseh we were off to......ANGSANA!! YES!! where else rite??!? go JB sure must stopover at ANGSANA!! *winks*..heheh
my sis bought a checked n blue...nice!! looked for new oi! cassettes but there wasnt went makan instead...the mee rebus there...ish!! superb sak!! kelazatannye hingga menjilat jari..hahhaha...

the best part was the ride back to CS...reli felt as though im playing the crazy taxi game. The driver...fuyo!!! bawak laju giler!!! but he was friendly...nice chap! n oh ya...they had fun laffing at me in the cab...hey!! not my fault!! the sudden swerving caused me to melatar...*gRrr* embarassing!! but overall it was a relaxing day ar...:o)...

bob,dol...thanks for the company..we shud go eat seafood next time..hahah

Monday, April 05, 2004


Jika kamu memancing ikan....
setelah ikan itu terlekat di mata kail, hendaklah kamu mengambil terus ikan itu....
janganlah sesekali kamu lepaskan ia semula ke dalam air begitu sahaja....
kerana ia akan sakit
oleh kerana bisanya ketajaman mata kailmu dan mungkin ia akan menderita selagi ia masih hidup.

Begitulah juga setelah kamu memberi banyak pengharapan kepada seseorang...
setelah ia mula menyayangimu hendaklah kamu menjaga hatinya....
janganlah sesekali kamu terus meninggalkannya begitu sahaja....
kerana dia akan terluka oleh kenangan bersamamu dan mungkin tidak dapat melupakan segalanya selagi dia mengingatimu....

taken from an email...

Thursday, April 01, 2004

:: SCOOBY DOO 2 ::

just gotten my pay today...went to watch SCOOBY DOO 2 with mom,sis and my lil cousin Naim.
hahhahaha...*kekekness*...naim was soooo excited!! he was skipping all the way from home to causeway pnt!! was his first time going to the movies and of cos he's happy watching one of his fav cartoon characters...*ahackz*....shooo cute lah he...u shud see his reactions when the lights were off and the screen started playing...a lil shocking but he enjoyed every bit of it...

kids...they're easily pleased and their laughters,smiles and cute gimmicks and actions adds colours to my life...

i wanna be young and carefree again...

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Hello all !! *waves*...i'm back!!....

Sunday, March 14, 2004


i was getting ready to go to SKAFEST..but somehow..i just didnt feel right...went out of my room and saw my mum getting ready to go out too...

"mama nak gi mana?"
"hah? kenapa?"
"nak gi nengok balqis"
"balqis masok hospital lagi?"
"a'ah lah...dah lama jugak kan...sakit die datang balik"
"what??..asal tak ckp siang2 pasal ni?..ani nak ikut skali..tunggu i go and change.."

so..thats why i wasnt feeling too good about going to the gig...well...yes i was reli looking forward to the SKAFEST but i just HAD to go visit her today...its just this feeling that i had...

true enough...turns out that her condition is getting worst and apparently shes got very very slim hope of recovery..nobody knows how much longer she had..OH GOD!! i cudnt recognise her at first..she's soooo skinny and weak...bald..bloated stomach and swollen legs...she kept quiet playing her gameboy most of the time..i tried making conversations..trying to liven things up a bit..talked to her..make jokes...and when she finally talks...i cant even hear clearly what she was saying...its hard to accept the fact that she's got cancer and she's my age...its hard but i managed to keep a smiling face in front of her....and im really glad to hear her laughter and see the smile on her face...BUT i must be reli hard on her....

i remembered the last time we went out together...yes..she wasn't as active but she wasnt this weak...den i remembered she getting better and i tot she's recovering but i was granny was there too just now...nobody thought this cud happen...

I just dont know what to glad i changed my gonna visit her again after skool tomorrow...she wud definitely loved the company...

p/s sorry to those who expected me at the gig..sorry for the last minute change of sure u guys will understand...

ya allah...please lighten her burden...

"assalamualaikum..boleh saya bercakap ngan Norman?"
a familiar voice..his dad..
"w'salam...Norman tak pakcik pun baru balik ni..sape tu?"
" erm..kawan die..hani"
"hani?..ohhh hani dari Singapore tu ye??..norman takde..hari minggu biasa lah..keluar je die tu...takpe..norman ayah die ada ni hah"
(I laughed...Norman and his dad shared the same sense of humor..i missed him even more)
"iye hani dari Singapore lah..tak sangke..ingat lagi cik eh...takpelah..cik pun baru balik keje..maaf mengganggu"
"takdelah...mestilah pakcik ingat...hmm...nanti Norman balik..pakcik bantai die eh..tak reti nak dok ape khabar? Lama tak tepon sini..."
(I laughed again..)
"baik...erm..cume hani sibuk sikit ngan projects sume.."
(ok I lied..but wat else can i say rite??)
"ooohh...sibuk rupenye..yelah..sekolah...hani...malam nanti tepon lagi lah..jgn tak tepon pulak..nanti pakcik beritahu si norman tu"
"insyaallah cik"
"kirim salam kat mak, abah ye.."
"insyaallah..kirim salam kat makcik,Norman semua ye...assalamualaikum "

SHIT! NOW WHAT???....*bleugh*..nvm..i'll worry bout that off to the gig..

Thursday, March 11, 2004


i just made an enemy of someone i don't know
and they are upset about somethin' that i must have done
it really doesn't make much sense
well i've got no statement in my defense

i know, no matter what, no matter who, no matter what i do,
somebody hates me
and i hate somebody too.

did you misunderstand something that i did
or was there one of my jokes that you didn't get
or do you think you've got the way i think all figured out.
what did i say, to make you feel i'm not cool now?

i know, no matter what no matter who no matter what i do,
somebody hates me,
and ihate somebody too.

i know its wrong, but i do it too
and i guess i should say, don't let it get to you.

i know, no matter what no matter who
no matter what i do somebody hates me
and i hate somebody too
somebody like you.

its true isnt it.....

Sunday, March 07, 2004


hey ho peeps~meet my fren Kai from KL.....

fetched him from boon lay MRT...he wanted to visit town[1st stop - ORCHARD]...started walking from Far East Plaza...all the way to city and out of shopping centres...up and down escalators...lunch at LUCKY PLAZA...(the LAKSA here ond over at KL is different...he claims)...was walking outside HMV and we saw this mini SCOOTER exhibition...

(click on links, "tour guide for the day" for pics)

reached city hall...met some of the underground peeps there...sat by the river....talked about living system...compared underground scene here and over at KL...blablabla...

continued walking...

and it was time to go home...[final destination - BOON LAY MRT]

more pics at links...but he's camera not much pics lah..

Saturday, March 06, 2004


*bleugh* im an internet addict!! am online almost every day...entah ape2 entah aku buat eh...haiya!!

anyway..worldofoi has been done for quite a long time now... *boo hoo hoo~*...shudve saved all the emails and contacts of my frens and not just depend on the "online msg folder" dat the site is down...ive got no way of contacting now brown cow???... pleeeaaassseee....oh please dear something about it..i miss my mates!!...

oopss...its almost time...gotta go get ready..meeting Kai (he's safely reached singapore yesterday) at 2:30pm at Boon Lay MRT..(hmm...sempat tak??)...wanna go bring him jln2 round off!! tata!!

im a tour guide for the day...wee~

Friday, March 05, 2004

:: What Emotion Dominates Me? ::

Apathy, well I can say your lucky, in some ways.
You see Apathy is no emotion, basically you
don't care. But that does not make you a bad
person. Some of my friends are apathetic and I
love them, but it wouldn't hurt to care a
little more. Trust me life hurts, most people
who are apathetic do it cause they were hurt.
But don't worry, life is pain, its also
pleasure. Good luck. (please vote)

What Emotion Dominates you?
brought to you by Quizilla


today marks the end of my more sleepless nights...empty stomachs...headaches...bad sore throats due to too much smoking...
...ahackz...yeah rite...nah...was juz exaggerating yah...juz wanted to say that common test is finally over BUT still got projects to finish term exam to prepare which is in like 1++ months time...*urgh*..its a never ending cycle..*relax* its thing at a time..ive done it gonna do it again..

anyway..nothing much happened today to commemorate this "special" day...just slacked around with Mok,Effa and Ajul in the evening..( as if it's some BIG event eh...padahal cume common test je...muahahhaha...pardon me juz bored and maybe a lil gile..)*shrug* watevalah..anything to keep my mind off things..wee~im off!!

sampai bile??

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

2 down...1 more to go..

panic button still not functioning.. muahahahahhaha

Monday, March 01, 2004


*bleugh*...first paper starts at 4pm later today and its gonna be "Communication Sysytem Fundamentals" [CSF]..preparation?? gonna have to score for the calculation parts..i sux at i gonna make it?? doubtful..WISH ME LUCK PEEPS !!

"panic button" = wonder...

Wednesday, February 25, 2004


ahackz...i just got a wierd and unexpected email from Kit...titled "Gambar Idaman"..sender "Hantu Tetek"..thought it was pics of some ghostly thingy...BUT it turns out to be Botak's pic..couldnt recognise it at first...cos he's got hair now...


hmm...maybe the stress of common test is getting to him...poor Kit..

i forgive you...

Sunday, February 22, 2004

fucked up saturday


fucked up gig..was stopped halfway..its wasn't even halfway..none of the ska/Oi bands played yet.. it's a gd thing I got my tickets refunded but still..lotsa time wasted for NOTHING! Shud've gone to the MARINA one instead..

slacked at ct hall after that..*urgh* freedom..trouble everywhere..*bleugh*..

went home..hai~..shan't elaborate..FUCKED UP!!

CONCLUSION- it was the most FUCKED UP SATURDAY EVER..bad~bad saturday..

spare me from all these CRAP!

Friday, February 20, 2004

lost in the labrynth of my heart


why me???? U knew my heart is with someone else..U knew i was just using U..BUT why?? why are U still here with me?? why do U still allow me to hurt U?? U deserve someone better..someone who truly loves U..don't waste your time waiting for me...U'll end up getting hurt...

i can't bear to hurt U..but trust me..i will end up doing a walking contradiction

and YOU...YOU will never understand what im going through right now..YOU will never know how much i missed and cared for YOU..YOU will never know how strongly i held my promise...OUR promise..YOU will never know how much confusion and hurt YOU caused me..YOU never will...BUT i still love YOU my ready now..its been 10 months...please don't tell me you're just toying with my feelings for 10 MONTHS...

i feel like such a fool...wat am i waiting for?..i HATE you but i LOVE you...