Friday, February 10, 2006


there's nothing worthy to post

nothing worthy mentioning bout my life

so this blog is dead


Sunday, January 15, 2006


spent the morning with him
and then lepak at danga bay
from 7am to 10am..
seeing him smile n laugh
was the happiest moment

its been a long time since i saw him smile and laugh
its been a long time since we had a calming day together

yesterday was a nightmare
but today was something i had been waiting n wishing for...
for a very long time

wake up...ure gonna miss the pretty morning baby...

Sunday, January 08, 2006


so i was just a substitute..
or maybe just a stopover..
or maybe just a guinie pig for u to try out ur skills..

so all those words u told me..
meant nothing
oh stupid of me..

happened so many times but the heart never learn eh..
should have known better..

ure evil pembunuh kambeng
i can never be angry at u..
cos its my fault..
so yeah...

yg indah tu hanya sementara...

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Sunday, January 01, 2006


i was first to get up at about 10am
kejut si ali..then sri..
hamagas betuk!!
satu-satu liat nk bangun
masih selubung dlm selimut
padahal aircon tak on pun..
bukak tingkap besar2 smpai matahari nye heat masuk pun tak jalan gak..

kul 11plus baru dorg bangun..
check out at 12noon
si ali siap boleh nk tido agi..
aku sekel kang..huhuuhu

missed hotel's breakfast so had breakfast cum lunch at HALAL NASI AYAM within walking distance from CAPITOL HOTEL

nasi ayam dia sungguh menjilat jari!!
like seriously!!
everything was close to perfection
the sambal..the soup,the nasi,the ayam,the sotong goreng tepung..everything!
that was the 2nd time we dine there..

thought of going for last minute shopping BUT
was tooo lethargic to do anything..
just lepakked at delifrance infront of lot10

and soon it was time to go...
bluegh!was really heavy hearted to leave them behind..
and the weather mcm paham2 je..
ujan lebat giler sampai banjir siot!!

despite the rain apit sent us off..
im sooooo gonna miss everything bout this KL trip..
it was one hell of a sweet and memorable trip
rasa terharu n sebak pun ada..
dunno how to describe it..

but there r things i regretted not doing
should have borrowed my aunt's cam n video cam
should have just shopped on the 1st day
2nd day just lepakked with frens
should have just snap n snap n snap pics
with everybody..strangers too
should have.....
given him a hug

goodbye 2005...

DAY 2 , PART 2

by 9pm the streets of bukit bintang was already jam packed with people of various races,background and ages
its worst than Geylang during malam raya
but the good thing is..its not humid
we were down in our jackets and we werent even sweating

the atmoshpehere was really upbeat
there was a group of people playing the digeridoo and jimbo
people were dancing and spraying party streamers at strangers
there was also a noticeable group of punks and skinheads

apit couldnt be with us that night because he had to attend a "kenduri arwah"
and we had difficulty contacting anyone because of the busy telephone network..

Ali came to KL that night but he had to attend some arty party (his artwork was on display) & we couldnt tag along cos we aint got tickets

so just the 2 of us roaming the streets of BB
but the crowd was friendly
(except that i was sprayed with the streamers right smack on my head..but the guy was cute..hahahah)

and then....
out of the blue...
Imal spotted me..
yes...that Imal i met in Larkin when my frens n ex bf was possessed for 5days 5 nights...
entah mcm ne leh terjumpe dia...
was fated i guess...
he was with Joe Sengal

imal & joe

Imal brought us to this place called "PULAU"
its was just withing walking distance
but the place was a total opposite..
it was a scary looking back alley
by the time we were there
it was already full of underground scenesters

this was the fun part!
Met Tasya,Eli,Ben,Aery,Nani and blablablabla....
tak sangka giler leh jumpe kengkawan lama
and terharu bile dorg igt kat aku lagi...

ben & me

eli & me

time jumpe Ben was classic.. skinhead gear just rushed up to him (in full punk gear)
and gave him a really tight and long hug..
i missed him a lot...dia dah mcm adik aku sendiri
talked and talked and talked
bout serious stuff...merepek stuff...
met the rest of his punk frens...

tetibe je dari blakang ada org tegur..

a skinhead : ni hani kan?
me : erm yaaahh...kauuu???
him : gama?
me : ouuuhh...gama myspace..aery...okay...siallah mcm ne leh cam aku


i TOTALLY didnt expect to meet him..
bru kenal bpe hari and he cant recognise and tegur me..

those yg planned to meet tak terjumpe..
yg tak plan sume jumpe...

hahhaha...the irony is..i feel and look more at home in KL than when im in Singapore...lepakked till about 5am

Apit stopped over at our hotel and roamed BB in his vespa that night
but....too bad..he couldnt find or contact me..
d-a-m-n...terlepas peluang aku nk mentel2....dgn vespa dia...huhuhu...
ye ar..nk gak meronda2 KL dgn vespa...
dengan dia plak tu..
iye iye..i was smitten by him already and i enjoyed his company..

so anyway...went back hotel at about 5am..
kesian ali dah tunggu lelama...
by the time kat hotel...
Noid,Ali and aku dah too tired and sleepy..

i should have brought a video cam.tak dpt capture suasana and fireworks!!! and my camera sux so very few pics were taken...damn!

Saturday, December 31, 2005


the day before apit brought us here butit was too late to enjoy the rides..

dlm train

so..without wasting time...
1st stop after breakfast was TIMES SQUARE THEME PARK
for rm25 u could get on all the rides for unlimited number of times..

r u ready?

memule tu mcm brani2 takut gak ar
so we start off with the low rides

1st was the...(alah..lupelah nama ride dia..tak amik pic pun cos we locked it in the locker then mcm leceh gitu)

its something like the magic carpet but the "thing" moves up and down , dropped one side and spins 360 degrees vertically forward n backward...
biasalah...sometimes its stops halfway when we were up there...with our feets up and head down...

that really woke us up..
after that ride terus dah brani..
head straight to the roller coaster which was on level 8
tapi tipah tertipu ar..
its not scary as it looks..
i think we got on it was it 2 or 3 times..cant remember...

sri smpai mabuk2...tapi dia degil..
still nk naik lagi..

rode on almost all the rides..
nampak je scary mary tapi tak scary pun..

tak tido,mabuk,masok angin but we still came out in 1 piece

went for lunch after that and then it was shopping spree!!

shopping non stop siot!!...
from one shop to one shop
cos we've already window shopped and take note of what we really wanna get and from where..
so it was rather smooth & we didnt waste much time..

we got pretty much everything we wanted to get
ahahhaahahha...happy giler!!

setelah kepenatan..
went back to our hotel to rest awhile
gotta get ready for the new yr celebration tonite

Friday, December 30, 2005

DAY 1 , PART 3

the name is Hafidzee aka Apit
he was our main tourguide for the KL trip..

1st day in KL was somewhat relaxing..
hopped from one shopping complex to the other
and apit showed us where to shop for what
from to sungei wang,bb plaza,low yat plaza,lot 10,times square...blablabla..
(all within close proximity to capitol hotel)
so that we could go shopping on our own the day after
(dia ada jemputan kahwen lah pagi esok)
but it was all reallyx3 helpful
(sume tmpt yg dia tunjukkan suits our taste..haha)

cant wait to go for a shopping spree the next day!!
mata rambang siot!!!

later that night..
just relaxed and chit chat at starbux
and met up with apit's frens
who happened to be singaporeans also...

diapit 3 jejaka tampan..hahha


that night me & noid didnt get to sleep..
was too excited
planned out our agenda for the next day
and yak yak yak and gossip non stop

1st day went well..cant wait for tomorrow..looking forward to meeting apit again...

DAY 1 , PART 2

aint gonna let anything get in the way and spoil our long awaited trip
we are already in KL damnit!
the power is mine to determine how the trip goes..
ape lagi...take control!!takkan nk sad2 kan..
rugi jek nanti

despite the rain...we went out of our room
(by the way..the hotel was perfect!good location!comfy and nicely decorated room...ok ok..maybe a bit prejudice lah cos i fell in lup with the checked bedsheet...hahahha...)
and went across to sungei wang plaza...

woooohooooo!!!shopping paradise!!!

its like peninsular plaza + far east plaza + funan + beach road all under 1 roof gitu...
almost got lost in sungei wang...
and couldnt meet APIT its already fated..
saw a familiar figure in the midst of finding the exit..
actually...sri spotted him 1st...
and then....walla...everything started to turn out really well

stay tune for the adventures of petom geng in KL

DAY 1 , PART 1

the trip started off badly..
lotsa last minute changes..
initial plans cancelled..
almost cancelled the whole trip itself cos was bloody frustrated
risked not having anywhere to stay in KL
but me and sri just risked it all
and go ahead with the trip..
just the 2 of us...

a fren buat hal...
the bf ex bf buat hal..
was really moody in the bus..
stucked in a jam
and it was only about 3pm when we reached PUDURAYA
had a lil difficulty locating the hotel
cos it was raining and we had no umbrellas
yeah yeah...a bad start...

but finally checked in at about 4pm..
(phew!lega giler...satu balak terlepas)

but it rained heavier by then...